64 Million Tonnes of Coal Combustion Products in Europe
Based on the ECOBA statistics on "Production and Utilisation of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) in Europe (EU 15) in 2004" about 64 million tonnes of CCPs were produced that year. Compared to 2003, about 1.5 million tonnes of CCPs less were produced due to lower generation of electricity and steam in coal and lignite fired power plants and due to the use of lower ash coals. The use of fly ash as a raw material in the construction industry rose by 1 million tonnes. The utilisation rate reached 50 %.
The Press Release and the ECOBA statistics on "Production and Utilisation of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) in Europe (EU 15) in 2004" can be downloaded with
Joachim Feuerborn from 2006-06-29